Time to Stock Up! Empowerment eBooks Now On Sale $11

It's Time To Shift From Fear to Faith

Are You Ready To Do the one thing you think you can’t do?.

âś…Pick something, and commit to it

✅Refrain from overthinking or planning – just take the step

âś…Finally Focus on how proud of yourself you will be after stepping out in faith

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Don't let grief overshadow your holiday season.  

Find the support and strength you need to navigate this challenging time. 

This eBook serves as a guiding light for anyone navigating the complex and painful journey of loss. In it, I have explored the multifaceted nature of grief, acknowledging the wide range of emotions and experiences that accompany it. 

✅Learn the challenges of coping with grief during the holidays

âś…Learn coping skills for grief.

âś… Make time to use the included grief workbook with questions and tips that help you navigate grief in your own unique ways.

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Managing Stress

Simple Solutions to Start Living a Stress Less Life

Stress relief and burnout prevention. Don't let stress control your life. Beat anxiety and worries. Live, Laugh, Love.

Chronic stress not only impairs our brain functions whilst we are stressed, but more importantly, it does lasting damage to our brain, as it kills braincells in our hippocampus. this means that, even if we we’re not stressed anymore, the damage will still be there.

Luckily, there is a lot we can do, as we will see in thiseBook.
First we will analyze stress. where it comes from, what it does, the different types of stress, etc

After that, we will go over the  different types of coping skills to help you deal with stress.

 In this eBook we talk about:

âś… Understanding what causes persistent Stress

âś…How stress affect health and motivation

âś…  Tips for care, visualization techniques

âś… Motivation Techniques

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Breaking Free From Stress

How to easily break free from a stressful lifestyle

Stress is a continuous problem that affects us all from time to time.

As an empowerment expert, coach and trainer, I'm regularly asked to give lectures, speaking engagements and workshops on stress management and emotional wellness.  Stress is increasingly an issue that affects, individuals, families, leaders and business owners.

In this eBook we talk about:

âś… Self Induced Stress

âś…The Wrong Ways To Deal With Stress

âś…  The Right Ways To Deal With Stress

âś… How Do You React To Stress

âś… Tips To Break Free of Stress  and When To Seek Treatment

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Guide to Undstanding Anxiety eBook & Bonus Audio

Practical Self-Care Tips to Easily Understand Anxiety and panic attacks.

This is a digital product for immediate download after purchase
BONUS: additional Audio - 7 Steps to Relax and Stay Calm

Disclaimer: Please Note that this is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health. 

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Unstoppable – Living a Free and Fearless Life

In Sept 2016 I nearly lost my life to Diabetes. I was minutes away from going into a diabetic coma that would have taken my life. Had I not been driven to the emergency room on time, I would not be here to share this story with you.

The shock of it all, the humbling journey that enhanced my work is what I talk about in this book. 

The Book Covers:

âś… My story and life lessons in this book will:

âś… Practical Steps to becoming Unstoppable Free and Fearless 

âś… Steps to boosting your self-confidence and self-esteem 

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Build Confidence- Become
Unafraid, Irresistible and Successful E Book

Most people’s quest in life is to build the confidence that will help them be unafraid,
irresistible, and successful. This book has the answers and easy steps you can take
to become that confident and do more for yourself and your life. The lessons I mention in this book are meant to:

âś…Learn why confidence matters in life, work and business

âś…Learn why confidence matters in relationships with others and family.

âś… Learn how to develop self-esteem and self-love

âś…Learn how to be more confident and show up every day as the best version of yourself.

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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The Ultimate Self-Care Guide and Workbook for Women 

This Instant Download  guide and workbook will help you:

âś… Center your day around positive feelings and gratitude. 

âś… Discover best self-care ways that work for you

âś… Strengthen your self-esteem and self-confidence

âś… Discover how to set lasting satisfying life and self-care goals  

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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 Good To Great eBook

A Comprehensive Guide To Understanding and Upgrading Your Health, Love Life, family Life, Work, social Life and Business Success. Tips to Return To Happiness on Hard Days.

Mental and Emotional Health -27 quick tips to help you return to happiness how to roll on hard days- How to Stop feeling guilty

 Love:  Why is having love in our life so important? 

Family-The unique challenges of raising a 21st century family and live within your means

Work -Loving what you do and why it matters

 Wealth-5 reasons why you may not be making money when times get tough

 Shifting From Good To Great

  •  Develop a morning ritual journaling
  •  The miracle of the bamboo tree success is an obsession
  • Make a pact with yourself how to live ‘till 100
  • Have you lost your mojo? The butterfly effect what is your one thing?
  • How to cultivate a positive mindset don’t be a tourist
  •  Claim your greatness super model vs role model
  • Ordinary people vs great people

And More 

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Believe it, Be it, Achieve it!

Understanding and Ripping the Rewards of The Law of Attraction

Are You Ready to:

-  Attract happiness & prosperity with the tips and stories in this ebook.

-  Are you Ready to:

- To get clear steps on how to manifest their dreams into reality

-  Take Control of your life and what you deserve and desire.

Understand the unconscious mind and how it influences behavior and assists us in attracting our perfect lives.

Discover the power of rituals and affirmations so that consistent positive energy is attracted to their lives

 In this eBook we talk about:

âś… understanding the law of attraction 

âś…Believe it, Before You Can See It 

âś…  Making the decision to live life your own way

âś… Unleashing your creative thinking

âś… Unlocking Your Self-Improvement Power

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.


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Thriving Beyond The Tears- Bruised and Never Broken

Part memoir, part inspirational THRIVING BEYOND THE TEARS-BRUISED BUT NEVER BROKEN is my way of helping others Free themselves from limiting beliefs, and past life circumstances (stories) that no longer serve them.

As a product of a polygamy family, I write candidly about the effects of polygamy on the children, the emotional and mental health long term effects that we have to face and overcome.

This revised ebook  opens dialogue among victims of domestic violence, women and children of polygamy, those with a traumatic upbringing that has held them back and those who find themselves stuck and unable to thrive beyond their tears and fears. Yes you are bruised but never broken. 

Reading this will be:

âś…  Inspirational

âś…  Encouraging 

âś…  Empowering 

âś…  Releasing 

The book is Freeing as one relates to their own life story and enjoy the tips to let go, forgive and live a life that is free of pain.

Here is to a life that is filled with peace, joy, freedom in every way and a heart that is loving, kind and forgiving.


Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Finding Your True Self AUDIO  BOOK

Finding Your True Self is Knowing Thyself.

Knowing Thyself Is Critical To Achieving Purpose In Life And Work. This audio book read by DrStem (author) gives you ten practical steps to finding your self, your power and your voice. The ten steps are:

âś… Step 1 Letting go of past baggage

âś… Step 2 – Practice Forgiveness 

âś… Step 3 – Do not Be Discouraged 

âś… Step 4- Being Confident 

âś… Step 5 – Your Spiritual Approach 

âś… Step 6 – Reducing Stress and Worry 

âś… Step 7 – Prepare with Diligence 

âś… Step 8 – Living with Joy and happiness 

âś… Step 9 – Letting Go 

âś… Step 10 – Faith and Final Words

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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100 Key Reasons Why Now is The Time To Start or Work in Your Business - Free Download 


Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Finding Your True Self E-BOOK

Are You Ready?

To finally take the step to walk taller, throw your shoulders back and hold your head high.
The steps in Finding your true self eBook will:

âś… Make you feel better about yourself

âś… Help you put a spring in your step and go after what you want in life

âś… Learn how to allow your confidence to carry you through the whole day–and the next with ease once you complete reading this inspiring and empowering eBook

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Overcoming Self Sabotage e-Workbook

 âś… Tips and insight to overcoming fears
âś… Questions to help you dig deeper into your own personal fears



Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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It’s Time to Shift From Fear to Faith Audio Book

10 Paradigm Steps to Shift Yourself to a Better Life. Are You Ready?

This Audio Book will benefit you if:

âś… You have been Afraid to go after that business, you have been meaning to start?

âś… You have been Afraid to make that phone call to get the job you want?

âś… You have been Scared to go after the love of your life, or you are afraid to make a commitment?

âś… You have been Uncomfortable around people, so you don’t go or attend events you are interested in?


Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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The Power of Prayer and Belief: How to Live "The Serenity Prayer" Every Day of Your Life Audio eBook

This audio ebook will guide you to a better Understanding of: 

âś… A look at how to break down the serenity prayer 

âś… Discussion of how prayer can help you build on your faith

âś… A deeper understanding of how to use prayer when you are having difficulty letting go and forgiving.

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.


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Ladies this is the season for women to Rise and Thrive. This ebook oulines why NOW is a time to be intentional. Rise and do whatever Your herat desire.  informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Finding Your Personal Purpose & Passion E-Workbook

Step by Step Brainstorming WorkBook and Guide 

How to Discover Your Purpose So You Can Love Your Business and Your Life!

“If you do what you love, you’ll never work a day in your life.” Marc Anthony

The truth is, there are millions of people out there who reluctantly go off to work each and every day, wishing they were anywhere else, and hoping one day to find what really inspires them. If that’s you, then rest assured, you are not alone.

But know this, too: There is still time to discover your passion and start doing the work you love.

With this eBook:

You will enjoy guiding questions and prompts to help you:

âś… Start Brainstorming and Get Clear on What Next Best Steps To Take 

âś… Have a greater understanding of your life's greater purpose

âś… Find a career that fulfills your greater purpose

âś… Find greater meaning and purpose in your current career, business and life

âś… Create the life of your dreams and replace limiting beliefs with empowering beliefs

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Find Your Confidence -Find The Real You eBook   

Practical and Effective Self-Help Tips to Boost Your Confidence and Raise Your Self-Esteem

 Having self-confidence will give you the courage to take chances and risks that you might not ordinarily take advantage of.  Having belief in yourself will ensure you never let an opportunity pass you by and you'll discover what it means to realise your full potential.

This self confidence  eBook will add more ways to go deeper and create a sense of self-confidence and will help you know your strengths and weaknesses and use these to your benefit. Enjoy:

âś… Practical Ways to Help Bolster Your Self-Confidence

âś… Learn Some Things You May Not Have Known About Confidence

âś… Dive deeper and learn how to deal with elf Critical Thinking

âś… A look at Thinking Patterns and Dealing with them

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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56 Plus Life Tips I have learned so Far

Lessons on Life's Ups and Downs

Life is indeed about Lessons. I am sure like you; you will understand that I have had my share. 

I am all about testifying, encouraging, empowering, and inspiring.

I hope the lessons in this eBook will ignite that fire within you to wake up and declare better days every day. Please share especially with spouses, children, family. and colleagues.  Enjoy:

âś… Lessons on life's ups and downs

âś… Lessons on being still and patient

âś… Lessons on being grateful even when you don’t understand 

âś… Lessons on Waiting--I know this one has been my toughest lesson and the Lord won’t let me just pass this lesson without getting it ...LOL 

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.


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The Ultimate Goal Setting e-Guide 

Step by Step Process of How to Joyfully Set Achievable Goals

This eBook is designed for anyone who is looking to get unstuck in life and for anyone who wants to achieve their goals and needs a practical step by step guide on how to.  

Have you ever set goals but never seem to achieve them? Are you Ready? This eBook will help you:

âś… Clearly identify achievable short and long-term goals

âś… Avoid road blocks by being prepared in advance

âś… Get clear direction on what you want out of life

âś… Set SMARTer GOALS, have a specified action plan to achieve your goals incorporated into your daily routine

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Improving Self-Esteem 

A Self paced guide For youth and adults

What I know for sure is that all of us have a sense of confidence that will blow our minds and those nay sayers in our life. Both teenagers and adults who want to learn some practical tips on how to transform your self-esteem and life will benefit from this book. 

If you are curious to know: 

  • What is authentic confidence and where it comes from; How to make your life interesting

  • How to Overcome your fear; How to become good at what you do

  • How helping people effects your self-esteem and confidence; How to stop comparing yourself with people

  • What competition does to your self-esteem; How to get rid of negative thoughts

  • The importance of a good social circle

    Then this is your book.

What is covered in this eBook :

âś… How to improve self-esteem

âś… How to create an interesting life worth living

âś… How to feel good about yourself

âś… How to deal with Negative thoughts and Negative Past

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Finding Life Balance  

The Complete Guide to Managing Work and Life 

Do you work from home? Probably a question not worth asking as most of us are now working from home. 

Are you an entrepreneur, with the ultimate freedom of being your own boss... but you realize you aren't the best at managing your stress or your time?

Whether you’re an employee, a business owner, independent contractor, at-home parent, telecommuter, or you're coping with coronavirus quarantine (covid-19) we know you need:

  • More balance and less stress

  • More time management and less burnout

  • More boundaries and less wasted time

The idea to "work from home" or being self-employed sounds Great.! And it is (or can be Freeing, Fun..)... but...

You have to Make sure You Find Balance

In this eBook we talk about:

âś… Tools for finding Balance, cope with Burnout and Boundaries

âś… Time Management and Planning

âś… Tools to Combat Stress at Home and Work

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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The Power of having and setting Goals

The process of mapping out your life, career, and business dreams.

Do you ever get the feeling that you don’t get time to work on your goals? Or you feel overwhelmed and caught up in the daily routine of life that never accommodates for your goals? Ever wondered why successful people out there always seem to achieve whatever they put their mind to.

This eBook is designed to specifically to address all those concerns. It is a step by step practical guide that not only helps you identify what you want out of life, but teaches you a practical approach on how to do it through a comprehensive goal setting process.

 In this eBook we talk about:

âś… Goal Setting for the 7 Key Areas of Life

âś…Setting Goals For Each Role in Your life

âś…  Setting your Yearly, monthly, weekly, daily Goals

âś… Steps to achieving your goals

âś… How to Stick To Your Goals

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Reclaim Your Mental Health

Easy practical self-care tips for mental wellness

The COVID-19 pandemic and the resulting economic recession have negatively affected many people’s mental health and created new barriers for people already suffering from mental illness and substance use disorders. In addition to treatment it is imprtant to also access and read helpful resources to aid your healing. 

If you are interested in moving forward in your life with your mental health, escaping the weight of past trauma, current anxieties and learn practical ways to live effectively then this ebook is for you. 


 In this eBook we talk about:

âś… Understanding good mental health

âś…How to boost your mentyal wellness

âś…  Tips for care, communication and connecting

âś… Understanding the dirrent types of stress and tips to managing stress 

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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 Achieving Your Dreams

How To Think Believe,Act and Create What You want From Life. 

âś… We all have the ability to create the life we want. 

âś… We all aspire to do, be, and have great things. Yet most of us simply haven’t created the successful life we want, yet.

âś… We complain that we don’t have enough money, romance, success or joy in our lives.

âś… We point fingers and blame outside problems that “happen” to us and make life more difficult.

But what we need to understand and keep at the forefront of our minds is that greatness exists in all of us. It is simply up to us to pull it out of ourselves.


âś… This eBook discusses the steps to address the How. 

Topics Covered:

  1. Key Reasons Why You Aren’t Achieving Your Dreams
  2. How to Find Out What You Want From Life
  3. Cure Your Fears Of Change
  4. Healthy Fear
  5. Building Confidence
  6. Mind Power
  7. And MOre 

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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 Potential To Possible

Defining Your Vision - The Journey to Your Dream Life. 

âś… Defining your vision is one of the most important things you can do in life as a person, partner, or a business owner.

âś… Having a vision allows you to know what you're aiming for and how much time and money it will take in order to make that happen.

âś… Having a vision gives you direction in your life to make sure your goals are in alignment with that vision. 

Topics Covered:

  • Explore Your Values
  • Find Out Your Strengths
  • Define Your Vision
  • How to Befriend Your Fears
  • Change Your Habits
  • Master Your Emotions
  • Keeping Your Focus

 Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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 Developing The Ultimate Marketing Mindset

6 Beliefs to help elevate Your Beliefs For Business Success

âś… Marketing Helps You Position Yourself as the Expert in Your Niche

âś… Having a vision allows you to know what you're aiming for and how much time and money it will take in order to make that happen.

âś… Mastering these 6 beliefs will help develop the ability to be:

  • Customer-centred
  • Commercially focused on bigger profits 
  • Capable of reframing situationsto maximize sales
  • Committed to seeking business success mastery 
  • Confident in their ability run a successful million dollar and beyond business
  • Curious about new ways to market 
  • Creative in their business
  • Challenge old norm 
  • Collaborative
  • Connected to themselves and to the purpose/values of their business

 Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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 7 Power Steps To The Life and success You truly Deserve eBook

“You have to make up your mind what you want. You have to make up your mind what you are prepared to give up getting it. You have to set your priorities, and then go about your job.” Texan multi-millionaire H. L. Hunt

Discover and Create The Life you Really Want is a 7-step focused action guide designed to provide you with the direction, purpose, and drive that you are looking for.

It includes a number of exercises and assignments that will walk you through the process of first working out what you want from your life and then establishing how you are going to get it.

It will help you to stop drifting along in life – instead you will discover what your life is all about and how you can go about improving it.

Topics Covered:

Power Step 1 Discover what you really want from life

Power Step 2 Make a plan to get what you want Power Step 3 How to take action

Power Step 4 Overcoming problems and challenges

Power Step 5 How to make the changes and stay motivated Power Step 6 How to be the person you truly want to be Power Step 7 The power of action

 Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Procastination - The WOrst Thief Of Them All

Beat Procastination Accomplish Your Goals

Procrastination simply means putting off tasks until later. This simple little tactic gets a huge amount of attention in business and self-help literature because it creates conflict between our minds and our bodies.

Procrastination lives in the gray area between motivation and self-care. 

When you aren’t sure whether to keep working or call it quits, it’s easy to listen to temptation.

The funny thing is, you can be tempted to stop working too soon and to overwork to the point of diminishing returns.

You can beat procrastination by not putting yourself in a tempting position. The key is to know yourself and balance your motivation with your ability to focus.

In this book we talk about:

Intro: How People Justify Behavior

  1.  Why People Procrastinate
  2.  Understanding the Triggers for Procrastination
  3. Understanding the Different Fears that trigger procastination 
  4. Tips to overcome procastination 
  5. Procrastination Exercises Maintaining Momentum excercises

And More 

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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The Blessings of Being a woman

In this book Dr Stem remind every girl and woman:

âś…To embrace your womanhood is to embrace the talents and gifts God has given you.

âś…How to identify and use your talents and life in a way that brings honor to God.

âś…How to embrace your uniqueness, talents and abilities,

This book will guide you to unlimited self-love, unraveling of the inner strength that will help you create the life you were meant to have. Allow yourself to use this time as a time of self-discovery, spiritual growth and creation of YES an Unstoppable Life that is Free and Fearless.

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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It’s Time To Shift From Fear to Faith E Book

10 Paradigm Steps to Shift Yourself to a Better You and a Better Life. Are You Ready?

 The book will benefit you if: 

âś… You have been Afraid to go after that business, you have been meaning to start?

âś… You have been Afraid to make that phone call to get the job you want?

âś… You have been Scared to go after the love of your life, or you are afraid to make a commitment?

âś… You have been Uncomfortable around people, so you dont go or attend events you are interested in?

Are You Ready  For your shift? 

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.


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E BOOK- Build Confidence Achieve Success

Build confidence achieve success is a book filled with confidence nuggets to help elevate your mood and self-confidence for success.

The secret to career success is not talent, hard work or education, but sheer, unashamed confidence, a study suggested. 

In this book the young and adults alike will:
âś…Recognize and Know you have greatness within you
âś…Grow your confident thoughts into confident actions
âś…Enjoy a full social life, attract new friends and become more confident
âś…Feel smarter, happy, exciting and achieve massive success

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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E BOOK -Profits are Better Than Wages

This E Book that has The Keys to Living Your Dreams, making enough money, having your own business and yes killing it.  In this book we cover:

âś… The Key reasons why it is  important to own your own business vs. working for someone else

âś…How to create a business mindset

âś… Understand why it is necessary to start a business now 

Profits are better than wages is a guide that will give you steps to starting your own business so that you Can Begin Enjoying making your own profits, your own schedule and have the freedom to be creative.

Earning profits is the key to creating and living your dream life.

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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The Power of Prayer and Belief: How to Live "The Serenity Prayer" Every Day of Your Life

This book will guide you to  a better Understanding of: 

âś…  How to break down the serenity prayer 

âś… How prayer can help you build on your faith

âś…  How to use prayer when you are having difficulty letting go and forgiving

The eBook is an easy read that will entice you to make time for prayer and to use the power of prayer to help you blossom into the best version of you that you can be.

The practical steps will guide you into understanding how God is Able and Capable.

His Grace is Sufficient.

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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Unstoppable  - A Woman’s Guide to Self confidence

The value of self-confidence cannot be overstated. This book will boost your self-confidence and help you become the assertive, outspoken confident person capable of making good decisions, communicating your needs and dealing with disagreements. It covers step-by-step techniques to help you:

âś…Acknowledge and Handle your mistakes and respond well to criticism

âś…Understand Your self-better and others

âś…Finally Go after your dream and achieve goals that will enrich your life

âś…Be a confident and unstoppable role model to your children

âś…Get that job and relationship that you have always wanted.

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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50 A Celebration Of life lessons - Free Download 

When I turned 5o I realized life was never meant to be difficult it was meant to be experienced and enjoyed fully.
The life lessons I mention in this book are meant to:
âś…help you understand why we go through the painful hurtful times
âś…Learn more ways to cope with real life issues
âś…Learn more ways to care for yourself
âś…Learn ways to recognize when you are affected mentally, emotionally and spiritually
You were born Unique, Fearless and Unstoppable. You too will be encouraged to find and enjoy the real you.

Disclaimer: This is an informational guide only and not treatment for mental or emotional health.

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