Believe in Yourself and You will Be Unstoppable
Nov 12, 2021
The level of success you see in your life is a direct result of your belief system
Believing in yourself means having faith in your own capabilities. It means believing that you CAN do something — that it is within your ability. When you believe in yourself, you can overcome self-doubt and have the confidence to take action and get things done.
Here are 3 Quick ways you can begin to Strengthen Your Self-Belief
- Eliminate negative self-talk.
Be your own best friend. Be your best cheerleader.
You’ve probably heard before that negative self-talk can inhibit your ability to achieve a goal. There are many reasons this is true, but here’s one of the most important one.
All human behavior is the result of you choosing to either avoid pain or seek out pleasure. Think about any behavior you engage in regularly, and you likely can easily determine which one it is for you.
It’s important you understand, that negative self-talk is painful on a level that only we can create for ourselves. When you demand perfection, or when you berate yourself because things didn’t go perfectly or how you imagined they would, your brain associates these negative feelings with your experience.
This could be why you avoid the activity that will help you reach your goals. Show more compassion to yourself and remember that achievement is a journey.
No matter who you are or where you’re from, you will experience failure at some point, but failure is necessary for growth and, as such, should be embraced rather than feared.
- Take a new approach to stop doing things you know you shouldn’t be doing.
Have you ever found yourself doing the thing you had, just moments ago, said you wouldn’t do? Most of us are all-too familiar with this scenario.
If that’s the case, I encourage you to flip your own script and take control in another manner. Instead of focusing on the things you shouldn’t be doing, focus on the things you should. Begin referring to these things as your “non-negotiables.”
For example, if your goal is to build a business, your non-negotiables each day might be:
- Cold call or cold email five prospective clients
- Spend one hour developing or growing your business
- Write one new blog post for your social media outlets
In this scenario, you take the focus off the distractors that you sometimes get caught up in — checking social media, answering emails, improving your website, etc. — and place it instead on getting your non-negotiables, the things you SHOULD be doing, done first.
Whatever happens after that happens. You’ll have peace of mind knowing that you moved the needle and advanced yourself on that day.
Apply this to any area of your life and watch how this shift in focus destroys your tendency to do exactly what you think you shouldn’t.
- Wisely choose the people in your life that you spend time with and take advice from.
It’s a simple solution, but if you feel like you are getting in your own way, take a look at the people closest to you. If you find that your social circle enables you to make bad choices or live in a manner that is out of alignment with the vision you have for your life, you need to change that. Going out several nights a week or doing things that violate your values or beliefs for the sake of convenience is not doing you any favors.
While I’m not suggesting that you dramatically delete anyone from your phone who isn’t helping you reach your goals, I do recommend you start consciously limiting the time you spend around them. As with suggestion #2, your goal is to achieve peace of mind. What level of exposure to your friends and family will give you peace of mind and keep you effective at the same time?
Like it or not, the people that are closest to us influence our moods, beliefs, and actions. The people around you can help you reach your goals or can be a major reason why you never get there. Only you can decide what is right for you. Just remember, when it doesn’t feel right, it’s time to make a change.
I hope these 3 quick tips will get you started in believing in yourself more and become Unstoppable.
Except from the eBook "Stepping into your Greatness - Basic Ways for Getting Out of Your Own Way."
A Little About what I do and How I may be of assistance...
My full name is Sithembile Mahlatini aka DrStem. Yea long name I am from Zimbabwe and Sithembile means Hope.
I am a Licensed Psychotherapist, as well as a Certified Business, and Life Coach. You might also see me as one your EAP Employee Assistance (EAP), Wellness Trainers presenting Trainings and Webinars on Stress Management, Leadership Skills Team Management, Grief and more on Wellness and Self-care.
I am also a Certified Passion Test Facilitator which is my number one Passion helping others Find their Purpose and Passion, as well as living a stress-free life. My Motto is YOLO (You Only Live Once) Make it Your Best Life. I have worked with men and women who were struggling with challenges like: self-care, self-esteem, self-confidence, self-sabotage, depression, anxiety, relationship problems, needing clarity, starting an online business, changing jobs and more.
If you need more help in any area I have mentioned above, and you want to chat about it and see if we are a good fit to work more closely together, then
Leave your message below, and I’ll reach out to see how we can best connect and start you down the path to health, wealth and financial freedom.
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