$59.00 USD

REPLAY - Conquering - Getting Over The fear of being an entrepreneur

 In this interactive workshop you will gain the tools you need to embrace your entrepreneurial aspirations and move forward with courage and determination.
The workshop is designed to help individuals overcome the common fears and uncertainties associated with entrepreneurship.
In the workshop you will:
1. Practical strategies, mindset shifts, and techniques to build confidence, manage risk, and navigate the challenges of starting and running a business. 
2. Learn to recognize the common fears and doubts that often hold aspiring entrepreneurs back. 

3. Learn how to boost your self-confidence, develop a positive mindset, and build resilience in the face of challenges and setbacks. 

4. Learn how to take actionable steps and strategies for moving past fear and taking concrete steps towards starting and growing your business. 

DISCLAIMER: All workshops are designed for educational and informational purposes only and can not take the place of medical or mental health treatment. 

Please Note: All workshops are presented via Zoom. You will be provided with a zoom Link 24hrs before the session.